concept urban situations scale interventions research arte/cidade - zona leste

different spaces

emptiness, zone, inform, dematerialized, structuralized

inert, slow, viscous fluid, sped up, virtual

time / movement

streams / acceleration, speed differences 

interstitial spaces / intervals

enclaves/ form / structure

informal / the inform

zona indistinction, different uses, sub-use /
vacance land

the between-space / passage / intersections / transpositions



To focus on the different possible modes of global actualization in SP, in the east zone: enclave configurations, based in very large self-contained and exclusive multi-functional architectural structures (as the SP Tower) or complex and heterogeneous configurations, of “density without form”, where local situations become more complex through the intensification of multiple linkages, in different scales. With activities and programs that correspond to the instability and changeability of the region. 

"To search critical points in the geometric organization" (Kwinter). First, to produce topological maps based the logic we want to bring, after critical readings of the existing maps. To check how the reading and design strategies (speeds, enclaves, informal) break with the existing maps, amalgam them or ask for others. From the scale relations, the centrifugal and centripetal vectors or nuclear regions appear, for the elaboration of dynamic maps with fluids, quick, instable spaces. A dynamic, changeable and tactile cartography that represent the contradictions of forces, vectors and scales that conform the topological space of the east zone.

"A tactile vision", that presents the space in process, the great and very small transformations. This will lead to the possibility of shaping a-metrics spaces. It requires a clear choice and organization of the effects. Here the question of the diagrammatic procedure must be defined, over all in relation to the non-use of metric and numerical standards.



turbulences / volatile phenomena, unstable

fluids / liquidity configurations 

prolongations / propagations

mutant patterns / processes without definite form

discontinuous territories / intensifications / new toggles / redistributions

overflows / laterally drain / without form

expansions in continuous varation / zigzag, s, spiral




concept urban situations scale interventions research arte/cidade - zona leste