concept urban situations scale interventions research arte/cidade - zona leste

Structuring Intensities 


Enclaves of large residential condominiums and commercial surfaces circumscribe self-contained and isolated areas. They are reorganized and consolidated spatialities, occupied by structures and rigid programs. Space investments in larger scale and extensions are carried through in areas relatively vacated. Enclaves that circumscribes the urban spaces, areas accessible and linked by new transit systems. A program and scale change occurs: the centers of habitation and services in circumscribed urban areas appropriate public space and urban equipment, encompassing different uses. 

The map works with density of points to indicate different structuring degrees. It indicates that spaces projected in rigid and self-contained structures, the new enclaves, are for the time being in distinct scale from the inform processes, that demand more focused framing. With the new international projects, as the SP Tower, structuralized and inform spatialities tend to overlap.






concept urban situations scale interventions research arte/cidade - zona leste