concept urban situations scale interventions research arte/cidade - zona leste

Inform dynamics

The discontinuous dynamics of the metropolitan and global spatialization produces new processes of territorial configuration. The urban fabric disruption originates a multiplication of local patterns that continuously spray out and rearticulate with the others, without obeying the formal economic organization and transit patterns of the city. The space is occupied by events (abandoned and reappropriated sites, fairs, unexpected uses), more than by finished things. Only processes, without structure.

Short intervals, interstices in the urban territory that reconfigure it permanently. Each of these spots _ the occupation of an area by homeless populations, peddlers, slum quarters or tenement houses, the sprouting of nodes of unexpected activities, appropriating buildings and infrastructure _ redesign the region adjusting itself through accumulation with other local parts, a juxtaposition that composes a heterogeneous space in continuous variation.

The resultant space appears as an amorphous collection of juxtaposed parts without connections between themselves. Every juxtaposition creates a transition zone: areas of passage and changes of direction. Intervals resultant from the territory discontinuity, the fragmented process of spatialization.

Here the mapping of the urban continuous is abandoned to introduce diagrammatic procedures. It is what allows the inform processes and the destructured areas appear with intrinsic qualities. The diagrams indicate how the inform dynamics spray out and can be contained, how they overflow and flow back.






concept urban situations scale interventions research arte/cidade - zona leste