Dudi Maia Rosa raises a new wall, 66 feet long, among the Matarazzo barn's pillars, longitudinal to the railway. But this reconstruction of the ruined space seems nonetheless immaterial. It doesn't accumulate more matter in a place filled with debris, it doesn't add to the sedimentation effected there by time.

Made of isoprene, this weightless wall, without density, rather seems to indicate what this place could become. White, luminous, it seems to make the light that comes from the rails reflect inside the construction. It is like an appearance that reveals to us the soul of a seemingly dead world. On that wall, were sculpted great frescos, inspired by themes of Renaissance and baroque painting. Signs of experience, private marks in an universe previously dedicated to serial production. The artistic appropriation making the factory able to generate individuation, indicating another possible destiny for these places. A recourse to painting's procedures and techniques to rescue the latent potential in the ruins. An instigating paradox, that materials and industrial processes could make the poetics and vitality of these abandoned spaces flourish.