The extreme fragility of the composites engendered by Georgia Kyriakakis, submitted to combustion, emptied of internal mass, mixed to other elements equally not much adherent, emphasize the precariousness of things. The ephemerality of these materials. Its adhesion to the place is questioned by the least interference: a wind flurry, people passing by, the rain.

A great isoprene plate is perforated, in different proportions, by the heat of lamps. The material's melting forms voids, some times crossed by fine textures. Here, time elapsing manifests in the disassembling of matter, in the organic consummation of elements, in the dispersion of remains. Things' existence is taken to its limit, reduced to spectra, vestiges. In this no-place _ which the Mill building seems to embody _ art is located, comes into being.