The openings that exist on the boiler-room's floor at Matarazzo, probably created during the removal of the machines that were installed there, now function as cracks that lead to the bowels of this place, to the very city. They are like rifts through which we gaze what has been concealed in the history of our industrialization, what was hidden by the city's growth. In the images guessed through these holes, in Lucas Bambozzi's video installation, are scenes of violence and traffic accidents. The individuals' sacrifice in the gears of mechanical progress, the suffering imposed by the machinery. All that was hidden behind the facades, in the unconscious of our urbanity.

Truthful episodes or reports that occupy spaces in the news and in the population's imaginary. Snapshots of violence and hostility, the individuals' pain transformed into show, generating popular commotion. Scenes of urban life in which truth mixes with fiction, unveiling the relationships woven in the city's routine. Fixed cameras, placed at strategic points, register the street movement. They are ordinary images, but emerge loaded with tension, suggesting the imminence of an event. They call the attention to apparently obvious situations, that no one pays attention to, but hide an immeasurable potential of explosion.