The lighthouse is one of the strongest typological elements in architecture. Generally raised on coastal areas, it marks the bordering zone between continent and ocean, sky and earth. It is a border landmark, of checkpoints, of nobody's land. One of the strongest symbols of human presence in remote places, the lighthouse is an advanced position of civilization.

Built close to the railway, that are implanted on low grounds, close to rivers, this lighthouse _ projected by architect and urbanist Regina Meyer _ indicates the place where the city found its historical limits, today converted into internal borders. It extends urban signalization to this large abandoned area, reintegrating the space to the city. It brings identity to this deserted area, transforming it into a place. The elongated iron and concrete structure, with three vertexes, counterpoints the traditional neighboring industrial constructions. High, lit from underneath, an inverted iron pyramid, it seems suspended, without touching the top. An extraordinary lightness that indicates the delicacy and the precariousness of these urban marks, that demarcate time and the city's oscillations. The lighthouse is to be seen from some distance. It serves as reference for those who pass by the area's avenues and viaducts, for those who are in the other end of Arte/Cidade, evidencing the urban scale of those interventions. The projected light enlarges the field where it is inserted, beyond the area occupied by its foundations, articulating the whole space around. The lighthouse is a production device of the city.

equipe: Jê Americo e Luiz Junqueira