Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Voltar para página inicial
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
Founded in 1946, PUC-SP is one of the leading universities of Brazil, counting altogether over 20.000 students in its 34 undergraduate programs and 41 stricto sensu post-graduate programs.

Recently evaluated by Brazilian’s Ministry of Education - MEC (government’s institution that regulates Education in Brazil) as the best private University in São Paulo state and the second in the country, PUC-SP is distinguished by its scientific production and teaching staff quality, as well as for its participation in studies and discussions regarding important social and scientific matters.

The post-graduation program of Environmental Law and Strategic Management of Sustainability has been qualifying its students for a proper action in the fields of strategic environmental management and planning, using the suitable mechanisms and instruments in preventive and pro-active action, focusing on enterprises’ social and environmental responsibility in the search for the sustainable development.

Centre for Environment at the University of Toronto
The Centre for Environment is located within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, as well as the School of Graduate Studies, serving as a hub to help to direct students, faculty and the outside community to environmental initiatives across the three campuses of the university.

Core undergraduate BA and BSc programs are available in areas such as environmental policy, environment and society, and environmental sciences. In addition, collaborative programs are offered together with departments, such as geography, chemistry, earth sciences, psychology, philosophy, anthropology and others.

At the graduate level, a stand-alone professional Masters of Environmental Science is offered through the Centre for Environment at the Scarborough campus. Interdisciplinary graduate collaborative programs in Environmental Studies, as well as in Environment and Health, are provided in partnership with almost twenty other units of the University of Toronto.

Distance education and certificate programs also provide opportunities for professional development, as do regular workshops in areas such as Environmental Finance and the Natural City.

PricewaterhouseCoopers is a global network of separate and independent companies that work on an integrated way in the fields of assurance, tax, human resources, transactions, performance improvement and crisis management. The companies that participate in this global network are present in 153 countries and congregate more then 154,000 employees and partners in the whole world. The knowledge, expertise and capacity of their professionals make it possible the development of creative solutions to their clients, investors, and stakeholders with minimum risks. Their activities are based by the adoption of strict corporative governance practices and by the ethic on caring their business.

Institutional Support

Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development - CEBDS
CEBDS, founded in 1997, is a coalition of the largest and most significant business groups in Brazil, representing the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in the country, which has the participation of 185 multinational companies with annual revenues of US$ 6 trillion, employing 11 million people directly. CEBDS has established itself as a reference of the business sector and is the main representative of the companies intending to transform the traditional economic model into a new paradigm. Exerting efforts and teaching companies to amplify their vision, CEBDS works in partnership with the most prestigious academic institutions and non-governmental organizations. The Council also speaks with the government on behalf of companies aiming not only at defending their interest, but mainly at helping create policies for Brazilian society sustainable development, what includes national carbon market development.

São Paulo Bar Association - Carbon Market Committee
The OAB/SP’s (São Paulo Bar Association) Carbon Market Committee consists of a group of lawyers and legal consultants specialized in the carbon market with the objective of promoting a favorable political and legal environment for the development of the Brazilian carbon market.

Brazilian Association of Carbon Market Companies
ABEMC (Brazilian Association of Carbon Market Companies) represents the majority of companies active in the carbon market in Brazil. The Association gathers project developers, project owners, financial institutions, consultancy companies and law firms. ABEMC’s mission is to promote and encourage the development of the Carbon Market in Brazil.

School of Advocacy-General of Union
The Advocacy-General of Union is the institution that, directly or through encumbered body, represent the Union, judicial and extra-judicially, in accordance with the complementary law, specially in the activities such as counsel and juridical advise of Executive Power.

The School of Advocacy-General of Union is responsible for continuing legal education providing a select of courses, workshops and conferences in order to collaborate with the professional development of all members. Also, it is responsible for increasing and maintaining the collection of books and publications throughout of Central Library and their state representations.
 Institutional Support
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