concept urban situations scale interventions research arte/cidade - zona leste

Field of Forces

The connections between places do not happen anymore following a spatial continuum. The relations between the different points in the discontinuous and limitless space of the metropolises are made through articulations between the near and the distant, interfaces between what is not contiguous, ignoring the measures of distance proper to the continuous space. 

Instead the rigid implantation of the traditional city, the metropolitan space is a soft collection of juxtaposed parts without connection between them. A field that can be traced independently of any metric, consisting of intervals and movements, not by landmarks settled in space. The territory is before anything else the critical distance between two situations: the relations of force, of attraction and repulsion that is established between them.

An unstable system of non-formalized functions and non-formed substances. Informal elements of different speeds that enter in variable connections. Lines of variation, that escapes to geometry, without tracing contours or delimiting forms. Spots of activity and occupation that drain in all directions, taking all the space. 

Can global urban processes produce local urban changeability? Local situations become more complex through the intensification of multiple linkages. Local intensities can engage vaster urban systems, through the development of relations between multiple scales and locations. Mutant configurations that keep an irreducible structural instability. Fields that accommodates processes that refuses to crystallize in definitive forms.






concept urban situations scale interventions research arte/cidade - zona leste