concept urban situations scale interventions research arte/cidade - zona leste

Dynamic Systems



How to notate the field of forces that configures the diverse situations in the area? How to indicate the fluids processes that conform, by expansion and contraction, connection or juxtaposition, these territories not delimited by lines or borders? Which is the effect that the interventions proposals can have in these interstitial and inform spaces?

The dynamic systems presented here only indicate how the intensities occupy and configure these spaces. The posterior development of this design research must operate the relations between the diverse processes and agents acting in each situation, including the interventions proposed there.


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click on the images to see the dynamic version of the sytems above

Largo do Glicério
Intervention project:
Vito Acconci

Pátio do Pari
Intervention project:
José Resende

Praça da Concórdia
Intervention project:
M. Dias e W. Riedweg




concept urban situations scale interventions research arte/cidade - zona leste