regina silveira
 critical text
 artist statement
 urban situation
 arte/cidade - zona leste

The intervention proposed by Regina Silveira in the east tower façade radicalizes the reflection on space that the artist has been carrying through. Several of her last projects - as in the former Eletropaulo building, in Arte/Cidade - have operated, by means of large anamorphic drawings glued in floors and walls, unusual optic shifts. They are stairs, windows and other architectural elements that entirely reconfigure, according to the point of view, the situation where they are installed. Devices that, through vertigo, provoke another perception of the places spatial organization.

The project consists of projecting shadows - plotted drawings, applied with quartz covering - of a water tower on the building external façades. The projection will also enters the 2º floor, partially covering the floor and walls. Moreover, part of the plumbing that connects the equipment to the construction will be colorfully painted. Here the space is not engendered through a conventional perspective device, producing an impression of depth. No appeal to a surface to create optic illusion. On the opposite, external elements, façade and interior are recombined to form another space.

These shadows do not obey the sun patterns, provoking a perception disorder. Moreover, they penetrate, instead of being contained, the façade, covering floor and interior walls, following extensions that also do not correspond to the natural illumination effect. Instead of a shift on the place disposal, provoked by a perspective, we have a multidirectional movement in the space. Fluxes that oppose the building mechanics and vision.

The sudden transparency, imposed by the shadows, operates directly on the perception of the building spatial structuring. The rigid splitting established by the façade, between interior and exterior, construction and equipment (water tower), is abolished, producing another space pattern. The shadows function as vectors, introducing dynamic in an apparently consolidated and static space. Submerging the building, with its rigid industrial structural logic, in the inform zone. Creating an area of indetermination and mobility. The same phenomenon that happens, in bigger scale, in the region urban space, affected by successive restructuring that disorganized the established fabric, producing permanent tension and realignments areas.

A world without measure, consisting of unusual neighborhoods reconfigurations. The shadows operate as a fluid, occupying the space in all directions, establishing connections between what before was separate and detaching what until then was part of another spatial continuous. Creating a larger and more complex situation through the articulation of the building with the environment. A space made of distances, not of measures, implying a more tactile than optic perception. Instead of forms that organize matter, we have materials that designate forces. A space occupied by intensities: the shadows.

The intervention occupies all the west side of the tower. A scale that exceeds the architectural for a decidedly urban dimension. It is to be observed only at distance, from the street. A surprising restructuring that decidedly launches the building in the urban turbulence.