carlos vergara
 critical text
 artist statement
 urban situation
 arte/cidade - zona leste

Carlos Vergara presents a project for the square in front of Brás subway station that plays with the place’s destiny. He starts with the following current situation: an area whose future is in suspension. Here anything can happen. Exemplary of the failures of urban development projects conceived in complement to the large transport infrastructure interventions, as the subway implantation.

It is an intervention on this apparently inert situation, an action that may eventually start a process of occupation of this emptiness, inhibited by the rigid program established by urban planning. Therefore, instead the implantation of a system that would determine the place uses, an installation of unfinished elements that suggest a possible occupation pattern. A proposal that can be taken and developed by eventual interested individuals, or even shifted into another direction. A strategy that evidences the basic feature of the entire region: its indetermination, the inform character of this complex urban configuration, refractory to centered and homogeneous restructuring processes.

The intervention consists of installing in the place a set of tents, as those used by peddlers. The tents, made of iron bars, appear intentionally unfinished, skeletons that can be completed with covers and awnings or be used for other ends. This unfinished structure does not obey the existing concrete bases to discipline the place occupation by peddlers, leaving in open the resultant urban configuration. Which kind of use and urban pattern the local population will be able to give to this space? And if, instead of peddlers, it will be occupied by another group, as the paper collectors, who’s recycling installations is located in the immediacy?

A first occupation is foreseen in the project: "a Brás fortune-telling fair". Vergara proposes to congregate in a single event the fortune-tellers and chiromancers that, not by chance, established themselves in great amount in this region with no foreseen future. A fair where one can speculate, once all attempts to planning have failed, on the destiny of this area and of the population that lives there. Luck-stones (búzios), hanging on the station façade, complete the scene. What it’s going to be of this place?