Laura Vinci installed at the Mill building a device to dissolve the solid concrete structure. A vertical flowing system crossing the horizontal rigidity of the construction. A mound of sand, that slowly leaks through a hole in the floor, to remake itself on the floor below. As if part of the construction undid itself, as if an oriented process of erosion would be reordering the disposition of the mass erected here. Creating connections in a rigidly compartmentalized space organization.

Unlike the conventional sculptural procedure, that engenders forms that search verticality, rising from the soil, here we have a precipitation system, completely turned down. While the sculpture seeks a form of material consolidation, some structural rigidity, here we have a form barely delineated by the sand's progressive piling. Without any supporting device. A mechanics that also works as a mean of measuring the passage of time. Like an hourglass, introducing a compass in such an inert universe. The movement happens not only in space, but also in time.