NETS - Researcher profile - Prof. Tomaz Oliveira Paoiello, PhD
Tomaz Paoliello is an assistant professor in the field of International Relations and vice-coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Global Governance and International Policy at PUC-SP. He is a visiting fellow at LACC - London School of Economics (2020-2023), researcher at LEGS - Laboratory for Studies on Security Governance, National Institute of Science and Technology for Studies on the United States (INCT/INEU) and ORI - International Relations Observatory at PUC-SP. He develops research on Security Governance and its impacts on urban security, emphasizing the diffusion of security privatization and military and private security companies.
- Paoliello, Tomaz Oliveira. A genealogy of the private military and security companies: the trajectory of DynCorp towards the formation of the “market for force” in the United States. TEMPO E ARGUMENTO, v. 13, p. e0112, 2021. (portuguese)
- Dos Reis Peron, Alcides Eduardo ; Paoliello , Tomaz Oliveira . Fear as a product, continuum as a solution: the role of private companies in the transnational diffusion of zero tolerance policing to Brazil. Small Wars & Insurgencies, v. 1, p. 1-27, 2021. (english)
- Paoliello, Tomaz ; D'Angelo, Flávia Pereira. The Transnational Diffusion of "Decentralized Security Governance": Restorative Justice Experiences from the Global South. In: Cláudia Alvarenga Marconi; Luiz Guilherme Arcaro Conci. (Org.). Crise das Democracias Liberais: um olhar internacional a partir do sul global. 1ed.São Paulo: Tirant lo Blanch, 2021, v. 1, p. 183-198. (portuguese)
- Paoliello, T. ; Carramillo, R. P. Local conflicts, violence and private security in mining operations in Latin America. In: Reginaldo Mattar Nasser. (Org.). Revoltas, conflitos e os novos caminhos da geopolítica: as interconexões entre Oriente Médio e América Latina. 1ed.São Paulo: Educ - Editora da PUC(SP), 2021, v. 1, p. 4-19. (portuguese)
- Paoliello, T.; Miklos, M. Security governance and the public security-international security nexus in the city of Rio de Janeiro. In: Reginaldo Nasser. (Org.). Governança global: conexão entre políticas domésticas e internacionais. 1ed.São Paulo: Educ, 2019, v. 1, p. 200-221. (portuguese)
- Paoliello, T.; Rosa, V. P. The involvement of private actors and the projects for security sector reform in Kosovo under occupation. REVISTA DE ESTUDOS INTERNACIONAIS, v. 10, p. 46-68, 2019. (portuguese)
- Paoliello, T.; Miklos, M. Fragile Cities: a Critical Perspective on the Repertoire for New Urban Humanitarian Interventions. CONTEXTO INTERNACIONAL (PUCRJ. IMPRESSO), v. 39, p. 545-568, 2017. (english)
- Paoliello, Tomaz Oliveira. War in Ukraine: the end of dialogue and the beginning of tragedy. Jornalistas Livres, 22 de março de 2022. Available at: (portuguese)
- Paoliello, Tomaz Oliveira. War in Ukraine is an opportunity for mercenaries to make money. Jornalistas Livres, 11 de março de 2022. Available at: na -ucrania-e-oportunidade-para-mercenarios-faturarem/ (portuguese)
- Paoliello, Tomaz Oliveira. Colombian mercenaries in Haiti and the US connection. Revista Fórum, 2021. Available at: (portuguese)
- The ghost Wagner PMC: private military companies and the foreign policy of the great powers. Terra em Transe, São Paulo, 13 ago. 2019. (portuguese)
- The market for force in 2018: political benefits, economic gains and rights violations. Outras Palavras, São Paulo, 12 abr. 2018. (portuguese)
- Paoliello, T. ; Miklos, M. Militarization of public security in Rio, and around the world. Open Democracy, 04 out. 2017. Available at: (english)