carmela gross
 critical text
 artist statement
 urban situation
 arte/cidade - zona leste



"I AM DOLORES" is the red light that transcribes the low lands of the enormous city at the building anchored in the Belenzinho.

Stroke of union or, who knows, disjunction between the individual and the plural, of the inside metamorphosed in outside, the smaller in the biggest possible.

Wagons-letters of metal and weld, glass and incandescent gas, lined up as a train of 24 meters, that invades the room blowing up the walls.

Internal exteriority that projects itself small in the red eyes of who is passing through there.


Implantation of a luminous board in iron structure measuring 24.95 meters long and 2,10 meters height, this structure is made of 313 red fluorescent light bulbs (225 light bulbs of 0,60 cm and 88 light bulbs of 1,20 cm) fixed in thin parts with any treatment, on in 220 voltage of v.

Carmela Gross