carmela gross
 critical text
 artist statement
 urban situation
 arte/cidade - zona leste

A megacidade instaura configurações que são mais do que nunca invisíveis à percepção. The megacity engenders configurations that are more than never invisible to perception. Large-scale dynamic patterns that escape to intuition. Irreducible to individual experience, to the mental map of its inhabitants.

The east zone of São Paulo is one of these spaces that, in contrast to a structure, are made only by lines, by moving directions. A plan in continuous extension and variation, without contours or limits. The successive processes of the area reorganization had dissolved all traces of the traditional urban drawing, the parameters of location and belonging. As in the desert or the sea, one here is always in movement, in the middle.

A fluid space consisting of intensities, relations of forces, different rhythms without measure. A turbulence field where there is no identity and place, but only movement and relations: events.

The intervention of Carmela Gross is a reflection on the future of the individual in these formless spaces, traced by abstract maps. Am I Dolores? _ her true name _ appears as a paradoxically anachronistic affirmation: at the precise historical moment when Carmela, as we all, loses her face to dissolve in the landscape. Now, an individuation, says Deleuze, is made of longitude and latitude, an ensemble of speed and slowness of non-formed elements.

It is not by chance that the inscription is a luminous board, made in neon. An atmospheric element, in the limit of the incorporeal, of the inform. A recurrent, iconographic device, constitutive of an urban landscape without references, indicating an individuality that gains consistency through transit. An intensity that operates in the interval, in the articulation zone between interior and exterior. A vector that dissolves structural contours, extending and intensifying the space of the metropolis.