concept urban situations scale interventions research arte/cidade - zona leste


New Strategies


Given to the increasing dimension and complexity of the contemporary metropolis and the crisis of the governmental administrative apparatus _ due to lack of resources, central planning and governability crisis _ new parameters have to be found for the implementation of public policies, particularly the related to large urban development projects. Strategies opposed to the tendency, today predominant, in the vacuum left by the State, of private appropriation of the urban space, by real estate megaprojects or the informal commerce and occupation. 

New programmatical and space combinations could be opposed to the organizational segregation? The internal intensification of the city offers an operative mode against the exclusion and the uncontrolled peripherical expansion. Differentiated urban operations, aiming at unstable occupational patterns, the coexistence of private and public territories in porous and flowed configurations. To establish an undefined terrain, that accommodates extensive gradations of public and private occupation and programmatical indeterminations that allow variable modes of activation. 

Alternative intervention projects that, in direct relation with the communities, can suggest other modes of occupation and use, new configurations for these empty metropolitan areas, distinct of those dictated by the existing drawing of the city and by the dominant economic and political interests. To introduce new urban strategies, based in the diversity, indetermination and fluidity of these interstitial spaces. 


Ben van Berkel: Diagrama como potencial instrumento organizacional para problemas urbanos complexos

concept urban situations scale interventions research arte/cidade - zona leste